The 69 panels encompass several themes about the 1931-1945 Asia-Pacific War:
- Imperial Japan's use of human experimentation and deployment of chemical/biological weapons (war crimes)
- Japanese Army's massacre of noncombatants and prisoners of war in Nanking, rape of women and children and general pillage (war crimes)
- Imperial Japan's system of military sexual slavery (now recognized as a war crime) throughout occupied areas
- The heroism of ordinary people who defied Imperial Japan's violations of human rights and the Geneva Convention by creating the International Safety Zone in Nanking.
The panels are professional-quality reproductions of materials from scholarly sources, please click on the following links to view the high-definition PDF files
that contain the content:
Teachers may borrow display panels for student viewing at Edmonton-area schools for up to five school days (including drop-off and pick-up dates).
Step One: Preview the Content
It is strongly recommended that teachers pre-view the content of the panels prior to ordering. To view this content, open the high-definition PDF files found on this website.
Step Two: To order particular display panels, first consult the Display Panels Catalogue and note the order numbers of the desired particular panels.
Step Three: Once you know the order numbers of the panels you wish to reserve, download and print-off the Word-formatted Request Form. To avoid delays, please fill out the form carefully and completely. Requests should be submitted at least two weeks before the desired date of delivery.
Step Four: Scan and e-mail the Request Form to Edmonton ALPHA. Again, requests should be submitted at least two weeks before the desired date of delivery.
Borrowers agree to these five conditions:
- the school assumes responsibility for the condition of the display materials
- the panels are to be displayed in a supervised area and not left unattended
- the panels should not be displayed in direct sunlight (however, taking flash photos of panels is permitted)
- panels displayed for more than one day are to be stored in a secure area when not being viewed
- return of panels in damaged condition may result in forfeiture of the deposit.
Although Edmonton ALPHA does not charge schools for the use of these learning materials, requests to borrow the materials must be accompanied by a damage deposit cheque made out to Edmonton ALPHA in the amount of $100. Within two weeks of the panels being returned undamaged, the deposit cheque will be returned to the school.
Please ensure that a deposit cheque in the amount of $100 made out to Edmonton ALPHA is available for pick-up when the display materials are being delivered to the school.
Each PDF presents its display panels in a particular order. However, teacher-members of Edmonton ALPHA have worked
with these materials and suggest that rearranging the order of the panels improves their
effectiveness with senior high learners.
Suggestions on how the panels might be organized for optimal learning are described in the Display Panels Catalogue.
For displays of a dozen panels or fewer, Edmonton ALPHA recommends arranging the 2½ ft. x 3 ft. panels in pairs (in a 'V' formation) or trios on rectangular tables.
Six panels (back-to-back in a 'Y' formation) could be displayed on round tables.